Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Dillon & Cole got braces the day before their 8th & 10th grade school year!

Fire Bugs

Why do my boys like fire so much? One night we let the boys have a bonfire in the backyard while we were watching a movie. A short time later, I got up to get something. I looked outside and all I could see in the black of night was flames of fire dancing around the yard! The boys and neighbor boys were running around with newspaper torches!

The next day I bought a magnifying glass for Brock. As soon as the big boys saw it they wanted to see if they could burn something! They started a smoke bomb AND a match with the magnifying glass!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dillon got a JOB!

Dillon got a job! He took over a friend's job moving furniture at Broadway Use Furniture. Since Dillon is not playing football this Fall, he will do this until Basketball season. Dillon loves his new job = he gets MONEY ($20/day Tuesday-Friday, Hours: 3-6pm). He likes his boss and gets free and cheap stuff all the time!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bless You

When I had sneezed several times in a row, Brock said, "Bless you." Then I accidentally sneezed on him, and he said, "Mom, you just bless you'd on me!"